Harvard Developments and Harvard Property Management are proud to have been named one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers for 2018. The announcement, made on January 24th, was part of an editorial…
Harvard Developments and Harvard Property Management are proud to have been named one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers for 2018. The announcement, made on January 24th, was part of an editorial…
Paul and Carol Hill are proud to have been named recipients of the Regina Humanitarian of the Year Award by the Canadian Red Cross for their extensive contributions to community and education…
Regina, SK, Canada / 620 CKRM Drew Postey October 06, 2017 12:27 pm Eleven organizations in Regina are stepping up to invest in the city’s future growth and economic development. Companies…
Hill Centre Towers I & II in downtown Regina, as well as 201 Portage in downtown Winnipeg have been draped in red and white to celebrate Canada 150. All three towers have had large-format vinyl…
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, March 9, 2017 - With its grand opening on May 3 looming, the retailers at Outlet Collection Winnipeg have lots to do between now and then. Among other things, they need to hire…
REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, December 1, 2016 – Harvard Developments Inc. (Harvard), and Forster Projects Inc. (Forster), Regina-based real estate development partners, are pleased to announce that…
“We are honoured to have IHOP choose Seasons as its first location to open in the Winnipeg market place. This new to market tenant reinforces our commitment to deliver a unique experience to the…
Regina, Saskatchewan, May 30, 2016 - Today, Harvard Developments Inc. and its partner, Greystone Managed Investments Inc. on behalf of its pension fund and institutional clients, celebrated the…
SHARON CROWTHER CALGARY — Contributed to The Globe and Mail Published Friday, Apr. 08, 2016 2:12PM EDT In a city known for endless urban sprawl, Calgary’s core has…
---- Monday December 14 - by Natascia Lypny, The Leader Post (Regina) --- Consensus: Developers and the city were skeptical it could happen. But the two parties have gone back to the…
--- Tuesday December 8 - by Trevor Howell, Calgary Herald --- A proposal to radically transform Eau Claire - described by one councillor as the “jewel” of Calgary’s…
- December 3, 2015 - Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH and Ivanhoé Cambridge announced today an agreement to bring four new Saks OFF 5TH locations to Canada. The stores, which will be the first…
Outlet Collection Winnipeg ground breaking ceremony. left to right - Marty Morantz (City Councillor - Charleswood, Tuxedo, Whyte Ridge), Blair Forster (Forster Projects), Frank Vindolac…
--- July 2 Leader Post, By: Rachel Psutka--- Regina businessman and philanthropist Paul Hill has an extra two initials to add onto his name, thanks to a Canada Day appointment to the Order of…
The Saskatchewan Roughriders announced today the first four of 12 Founding Partners. Harvard Broadcasting - a Hill Company (owners of 620 CKRM), The Mosaic Company, SaskTel, and Capital…