Eau Claire Market

Eau Claire Market

Property Type



200 Barclay Parade SW
Calgary, AB T2P 4R5



For over thirty years, Eau Claire Market was known for its unique vendors, community events, and picturesque setting along the Bow River in Downtown Calgary. The 7.25-acre market was purchased by Harvard Developments in 2004 and served as a popular gathering spot for locals and visitors alike.

In 2023, Harvard Developments announced an agreement with the City of Calgary to sell part of the land to construct an underground Green Line LRT station. A special farewell festival was hosted on May 11, 2024, to celebrate the market’s legacy and give the community a final opportunity to reminisce and honour the beloved market. The shopping centre was then handed over to the City for demolition on June 1, 2024, paving the way for the new station and future development.

With the City’s significant investment in the Eau Claire Plaza and the impact of the Green Line, the redevelopment of the remaining 5.5 acres will create a vibrant, revitalized space in the heart of downtown. Approximately 2 million sq. ft. of mixed-use space is planned for the development.

For more information on the Green Line LRT Project or the area's plans, please visit  www.calgary.ca/green-line/stations/eau-claire or eauclairestation.ca.

200 Barclay Parade SW, Calgary,
AB T2P 4R5
